Sunday, September 2, 2007

'Study and Teaching' is the best form of Tapas

Tapas is heating up oneself. It is the process of conversion of the indifferent potential energy into active kinetic energy. Engaging in any transaction is a form of tapas. There are several possible forms of tapas. In its best form tapas will lead one to greater glory and freedom. It will remove all alienation and integrate one to the essence of the universe.

According to Hindu philosophy the presence of God is to be experienced within oneself. This godliness is the same as the oneness with the entire universe, where one loses a separate identity by dissolving in the universe. Experiencing is knowing in an intimate sense. So ultimately knowing and helping others to know is the best form of tapas. A rishi performs all transactions as part of the process of knowing and teaching. The different aspects of this process are described in Taittiriya Upanishad.

Rutam cha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Every object in the universe is a manifestation of Brahman, the essence of the universe. Each object has a component that directly connects it to Brahman and a component that alienates it from Brahman by accentuating its separate identity and alignments with the other objects. Dwelling on the first component is the pursuit of righteousness. It is the pursuit of the essential principles that defines the relationship of the object with the essence of the universe. It is the approach of a scientist. Approaching all transactions as a study and preaching of these principles takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Satyam cha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Truth is eternal. It doesn’t change with context. What changes with context is falsehood. It is just a feeling propped by the context. When the context vanishes it vanishes too. One who depends on falsehoods finds in the turmoil of changes that are imposed from outside. He can never find peace and make progress in the path of spirituality. So one should keep dwelling on truth and reject falsehoods, however enticing they may be. Approaching all transactions as a discovery of truth and preaching of the process of differentiating truth and falsehood to establish the alignment with truth, takes one nearer to being a free sprit.

Tapascha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Focus is important. Austerities limit the avenues of expression and focus the flow of energy for the realization of a particular ideal. Approaching all transactions as an opportunity to discover the possibilities of application of austerities for focused energy flow, and to share this knowledge with others, takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Damashcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Dissipation is to be arrested to accumulate potential energy within. The sense organs, when they are left to themselves without any control, go after their objects, without any discrimination. As these external objects can not provide any ideal the energy spent for their pursuit is wasted without any useful result. The ideals ought to govern the intellect, mind and external transactions. Keeping the sense organs under control to prevent unproductive energy flow is dama. Approaching all transactions as an application and demonstration of dama takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Shamashcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Inner conflicts eat away energy. Whatever we do should not disturb the peace within. It should be something that appeases the deepest of inner wants. Approaching all transactions as an exercise for experiencing and illustrating inner peace takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Agnayashcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Passions canalize the energy flow. Discovering and identifying with the right passions is very important to ensure that the flow of energy is productive. Engaging oneself always in the discovery of right passions and helping others to discover right passions takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Agnihotram cha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Everything is to be dedicated for the satisfaction of the right passions. Every moment should be spent in discovering and showing to others fresh avenues for the satisfaction of right passions. Engaging in this exercise takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Atithayashcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

A guest connects a home to the society around. The visitations of ideals that wander in from the surrounding atmosphere connect one to the universe around. These ideals sets a value system that supports the accumulation of energy possible. Life must be spent in discovering, and helping others to discover, ideals. Going through life like this takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Manushamcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Everything else is worthwhile only when the fine connection with humanity is in tact. One should continuously strive to discover and preach the many dimensions of humaneness. Living like this takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Prajashcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

Every thought, emotion and action generates their own products. To live meaningfully one should be sensitive to these products. Spending one’s time discovering and teaching others the many possibilities of these products takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Prajanashcha svadhaya pravachanecha

The process of generation of the products is also important as it is the efficiency of these processes that determines the efficiency of one’s life. Understanding and illustrating to others these processes takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Prajatishcha svadhyaya pravachanecha

The factors that affect productivity are as important as the knowledge of the process of production. Discovering and preaching the principles of productivity takes one nearer to being a free spirit.

Satyamiti satyavacha rathiratah

All these are true for anyone who wants to truthfully engage in this world.

Tapa it taponityah pourushishtih

Those who pursue virility by constantly engaging themselves in austerities say that austerity is the most important thing.

Svadhyayapravachane evoti nako moudgalyah

All ideals are to be discovered through study and preaching


So know that 'study and preaching' is the best form of austerity.

Here the theme is the pursuit of knowledge pertaining to harmonious existence in this world, which is important for the pursuit of Brahman. The important components that contribute to harmony in this world are righteousness, truthfulness, austerity, self control, pursuit of peace, discovery of true passions, satisfaction of the true passions, development of ideals and aspirations, humaneness and production processes and productivity related to the products in the planes of actions, emotions and thoughts. All these are relevant for one who wants to live in this world honestly. For him they should form the subjects for study, preaching and practice. Those who pursue virility through austerities think that the performance of austerities is the most important thing. This is indeed true. But it should be understood that the process of study and preaching themselves are the highest of the forms of austerities.


OM said...

What a fantastic blog!!
My sAshtAng namaskarams to you.

monielaine said...

Thankyou so much for this information! Your interpretation is exactly what i was looking for and has helped me with a study of religion assignment. Thanks!

capt TRajkumar said...

Many thanks-this Upanishad is relevent to all ages and is Universal in Application. So well explained and appreciated